The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) are a framework for us to work towards a more sustainable and equitable world.
As an exercise to give more depth to my understanding of the 17 goals and 169 targets on the SDG's, I conducted an 'Audit' of my smallest construction company against them.
The process surprised me with the depth of insight it gave me, not just on the goals, though on a company I thought I knew inside out.
From the findings, I now have several actionable tasks and targets for the company that will improve our value and cash flow, quality of contracts and clients, work culture, training and content for marketing.
We now have a target to develop these over the next 12 weeks.
Tradesmate Pty Ltd focuses on building concrete structures from residential buildings to public infrastructure.
These were the draft notes taken.
SDG 1.
Work opportunities and training for the homeless. site finding 1% commission for them.
What local support is out there already? gov, community group, NFP, religious groups.
Is there a program we can create that helps them manage their pay for helping them get back in a stable routine?
SDG 2. N/A
SDG 3.
Strong OH&S policies and procedures
Strengthen prevention of drug and Alcohol abuse
Free Gym membership/Bondi Boxing Gym? not just for fitness but bonding in the team? if we are all at the same place it creates positive pressure for those that find it hard to stay motivated
SDG 4.
Skills training for the workers
English IELTS tests for workers to help motivate and improve their communication first so they can then get skills training
Educate the team on the SDG’s
Build a skilled workforce
Women in the workforce program
Are there any Tafe or trade education providers we could meet up with?
SDG 6.
Water stewardship program- brainstorm ways to reduce water waste on sites, better tap fittings and hoses and timers for curing concrete etc
Educate employees along with the SDG’s
Low environmental impact products like form oil and curing compounds
SDG 7.
100% commitment to using Company office and yard powered by Green Power
Employees educated on transferring over to Green Power as electricity service provider
Battery tools charged at night in the office or yard from Green Power
Solar charger for batteries on-site? maybe for the van
SDG 8.
Job creation
Apprenticeship opportunities, reach out to providers, see what incentives there are
Skills development
Check supply chain for child or forced labour ie material and clothing
Install firm policy on unfair hiring and benefits ie migrant workers
SDG 9.
Encourage employees to come up with new and innovative ways to deliver the project or implement the other SDG’s
Refugee and migrant worker employment opportunities
Refugee groups or agencies engagement
Check supply chain for equality and look for fair-trade opportunities
Sponsorship program for underprivileged though Educated foreign workers
SDG 11. ?
SDG 12.
Educate the teams and clients on waste, recycling, and sustainable procurement
Product portfolio analysis to identify innovation and reduction opportunities
Refuse Reduce Reuse Repurpose Recycle policies and practices
Do a full supply chain audit from material down to where we get the work shirts made from, the source country and company, checklists for unfair work conditions and child labour
Reduce manufacturing impact by substituting recyclable/renewable products and materials
Consider Modular design for waste/resource control and easier recycling reuse repurpose ability
Maximise waste reduction from all sources first and then onsite
Consider and possible map transport requirements of all material to assess true carbon footprint
After innovation opportunities identified, go out to industry and create partnerships and connect supply chain businesses to help them build connections and further innovate
Promote finding to the industry AND competitors, a rising tide floats all boats
These are not just for policy creation that are written but actionable, reportable outcomes
SDG 13.
Educate the builder about on-site power and their facilities using Green Power
Solar Charging systems for the work vans to charge power tool batteries
Research more on ‘Green’ concrete’s strength, price and suitabilities, talk to Boral and other manufactures and the concrete recycling companies and put it in a report for builders
Give builders, architects and structural engineers constructibility advice and design ideas to reduce the amount of concrete needed… we end up seeing all the structural designs across the built environment so are in the perfect position to spread design ideas across the advisors
Map transport needs of all material, services and labour for a job and see what can be controlled, reduced or omitted through options like changing air for sea freight, modular design or precasts
Consider climate risks in the supply chain and early adopt for new products, systems and assets
SDG 14.
Educate the teams and builders on water efficiency and off-site pollution
Check our own site water and waste controls for possible pollution of waterways
Track product life cycle to understand disposal and which products could end up in marine environments
Asses what chemicals are used in products, packaging and processing systems and reduce them on site
Improve water efficiency on-site and look for innovative systems
SDG 15.
Sustainable building material from companies with reputable forestry and mining practices
SDG 16.
Workers rights and developing support for the less advantaged in our teams including international/refugee workers
Anti-discrimination/gender policies and actionable practices and education amongst the work crews and subcontractors.
Follow this down the supply chain as well
SDG 17.
Mostly N/A though as a theme reach out and create better partnerships within the industry and even competitors for a more inclusive drive towards a sustainable industry
Put a time frame of 3 months to implement all these conditions and update social of progress
Tradesmate are going for higher value and profile contracts possibly with government projects with the high social and environmental awareness and policies
Learn more about the ISO14000 Series
At very minimum the implementation of the SDG’s in a small company in an affluent country still raises the understanding and education of SDG’s
Some SDG’s are large focussed change on developing countries though using them as a theme to help develop a business on the micro-scale is beneficial ie SDG 9