
All Lands All People All At Once

This world is ready for its next iteration of human civilisation. Its time for our settlement patterns and practices to be more than just urban planning and economic systems under governance models

We need to start with raising human consciousness to levels of deep connection with each other and the natural world and reflect this throughout the restructuring of our global systems through conscious civilisation design, leveraging the power of regenerative development models to unlock the essence of place and their paths to potential 

We need to open ourselves up to collaboration and embrace the complexity of life focused design while working with multiple parties in multiple places across multiple timezones and understanding that this is all a system of designing the here in the now

The Whole is a Mosaic of Local 

Understanding that to respect this world you need to design locally from uniqueness of place. This is essential in a restructuring of the world through conscious civilisation design, and that designing and working locally is the level that avoids the tragedy of the commons 

This world is a mosaic of local regions without hard lines of unifying delineation but layers of cultural, bioregional, economic, and political zones that need to be reconciled and harmonised to reflect this essence of place for us to harness their field for true expression 

National political-economic systems need to work bottom up through this mosaic of local, not top-down through generic overlays of outdated colonial systems of control 

Harmonisation of Built and Natural World 

We are nature, the built environment is the natural world, there is no separation between our species self, settlement patterns, or practices, and its time to reconcile this schism between us in place 

Although reducing our negative impacts on the world is a chapter in our larger story, the theme of the story ‘Human Civilisation’ needs to be us as custodians of our Earth, our home, our extended body, our spiritual self manifest 

Our bioregional locals need to house clusters of city states that act as centres of energy for natural world harmonisation, hot beds of innovation, and hubs of collaboration for the development of our species into the expression of our natural potential, and to inspire the natural world into a state of biological evolutional development

Society Focused Streets 

Our city states need to be a reflection of these old/new values. A built environment modelled on the expanses of the human spirit, and a nursery for its conscious evolution  

Self sufficient societies nourished with embedded food systems, cultural expression, inspiring architecture and public transit systems that reflect and facilitate the flow of energy through the city 

City streets design for the cross-pollination of people and ideas not separated by personal polluting bubbles on wheels 

Our Humble Abodes 

Our homes as humble abodes of comfort and security. Refuges for reflection and celebration of life and all the beauty that can be created at the family/familia level 

Dwellings not just designed for function but as foundations for human expression and nurseries for the human spirit 

A place to recharge, regroup, and reimagine a future for our species in line with the natural order of the universe