Speciation of the Abstract

If the economy can be seen as a living system, then the principles of biological evolution can offer us a unique lens to view, design, and weave our human abstract structures throughout the fabric of our influence in reality 

“Speciation occurs when a group within a species separates from other members of its species and develops its own unique characteristics. The demands of a different environment or the characteristics of the members of the new group will differentiate the new species from their ancestors” -National Geographic

The speciation of our legal, taxation, governance, and finance systems, with all their place-based nuances, offer us a new opportunity to develop complexity in the wider economic system rather than the great simplification that we might think we want 

Why on earth would we want an even more complex legal, tax, finance, or economic system you ask?

Because most current forms are not complex but complicated and are designed this way to create barriers to accessibility, and these barriers create layers of control, and layers of control facilitate extraction and exploitation and reinforce the resilience of old power structures

Though complexity brings a different level of organisation, a more natural, democratic, accessible form of structure, many nodes and networks being created with exponential value creation across the ecosystem,  as Metcalfe's Law states, the value of a network is equal to the square of the number of users connected to it.

“Why is speciation important in evolution? Speciation produces diversity of life on earth by splitting evolutionary lineages through the evolution of reproductive isolation between populations of a species. In ecological speciation, divergent natural selection to adapt to different environments results in the evolution of reproductive isolation” -Oxford Bibliographies 

It has been well stated that colonisation, the great washing of generic power structures across the world, has cost humanity irreplaceable indigenous knowledge, though in its place and over time, speciation of this system has occurred though not evolved past the reinforcement of the same power structures which have been maintained

Many of us have charted a course to unearthing these ancient ways and bringing them back into the light for the cultural, life-focused diversity we desperately need. Though there is a mirror image, a reflection of this work that needs to happen from within the colonised system in partnership with our ancient wisdom 

Innovation in legal, tax, governance, and finance systems that harmonise the values of our civilisation rather than isolating the rich, leveraging the earth, and destabilising the wider economic system, are needed to create this complexity and create bridges and pathways of accessibility. 

Systems and structures that reflect the essence of place need to be explored, designed, developed, and cross-pollinated across the world, to leverage the diversity, resilience, and accessibility they can bring to society  

We need a global effort in re-examining what truly are the global commons, what we have inherited from our history in the form of technology, information, institutions, and systems of exchanging value, including the global commons of the natural world, and we need to find ways to structure this value, its accessibility, and accountability in an equitable way for everyone

And we need to design these structures to harmonise our civilisation across our socio-economic enclaves because until we do, we will never find peace and true prosperity