Have you ever stopped to think about how the mechanism of modernity is designed to collapse if we stop moving?
The great ‘rat race’ is really the rat trap race, driven by the fear that we will fall into the trap of collapse at every level of being, whether that be human, town, city, state, nation, or civilisation, that we will collapse into darkness if we don’t continuously drive forward.
And just to keep in the race, driving at full speed, large majorities of the population, and every country in the world is technically going backward in debt, just to stay in the going forward pack… you don’t have to outrun the tiger, you just have to outrun the person next to you
And any conversation about slowing down or changing policy to slow down this race to the gallows is hit with fear-driven resistance about economic collapse… as we race towards a total economic, social, biodiversity, and ecological collapse
What an amazingly, devilishly, geniusly, cunning machine to design… To have so much self-awareness as a species that we are able to highjack our own limbic systems to such a degree that we drive global behaviour to serve the purpose of a few… well, in an infinite resourced world that would be genius
Though now the designers of the system have also fallen into the trap of the system, and here in lies the craziest part of the game, instead of changing the system, they are doubling down on it and trying to extract as many resources for themselves to somehow buy their way out of the collapse
How could this be? how could they be so blind and so ignorant of the obvious truth??
Because they is you and me, and are we not all equally as blinded by our own excuses to not sacrifice our lives and security for the greater good?
Yes predominantly rich white men designed this system, though those men are now dead, and they were replaced with more predominantly white men who did more work on the machine though those men are now also dead, and this pattern of greed and control continued so that there is now a diverse round of people globally that are tinkering with the machine, though it's not the acts of the rich or any particular person or group who can hold their hands up and say “It t'wos I! and thy fucked up, and thy repent, and thy am willing to take my comeuppance”
This is because it was no individual, clan, or cult, that created it. It was really a field of human consciousness that created this mechanism of economic enslavement, and it happened over centuries of evolution
And we can’t expect to ‘restructure’ or ‘policy’ our way out of trouble without addressing this state of conscious being as a collective species
And here is the craziest of all the craziest parts to this story… We can do this without changing the system, without risking collapse, and without falling into the trap. We can do this today, tomorrow, next week. You can start this now
One way to change this perspective is to change your association with time. Stop projecting your imagining of the retirement you are saving for because the world that you are picturing will not exist and it is influencing your decisions now that are actively working against its realisation.
Stop counting in years and realise time, if you can call it that, is a steady flow of existence that isn’t on a loop but cycles through global and larger universal seasons, and understanding this flow you can start to act and design in patterns, shift behaviours, and respond to the now… be and act alive and dynamic, not on snooze coasting along to the next 'when I have this then I will do that' moment
Disassociate from the thought machine in your head, that is not you, you are the you watching the thought machine's thoughts. And as you become more aware of watching these thoughts you will see the heart of creation of all the insanity in the world
And lean into the spaciousness you create in your mind, that thoughtless, timeless space that should be visited before any decision needing quality of thought and value of outcome
And with this, as a growing global community of space finding creatures outside of the rat race of time, we can create enough global pause to reshape a future that is not built in fear, has the capacity to harmonise with uncertainty, and the clarity to redesign a machine into a living life-affirming being